Attendance: Scott Kneeland, John McGrath, Dave Shepack, Tip Garritt, Donna Peck, Rafael Vargas, Mark and Beth Casanova, Fred Becker, Bob Andryzeck, Cameron Kelsey, Rob Lee, Jacob Conshick
Call to order: 7:02
Secretary Report:
Minutes from 10/30/24 meeting read. Motion to accept Tip, 2 nd Scott
Treasurers Report:
Report read, Motion to accept by John, Rob 2nd
Presidents Report:
Beaver complaint and coyote issue discussion. Fur Sale April 5th at Fur, Fin and Feather Donna to call regarding class info for non-profit
VP Report:
Nothing to report
Discussion re elections and July rendezvous
Nothing to report
Old business:
Fur sale discussion – Don setting table with some supplies 50/50 Raffle discussion. Cameron sending posts to magazine re fur sale and to neighboring states Discussion to start convention information in January
Social Media:
Nothing to report
New Business:
Discussion re sale Saturday, November 23rd of traps
New format went well. Jake recommended flyer with 10 essentials. Rafael discussed shorts on YouTube
Next meeting January 15, 2025 ZOOM ONLY
Motion to adjourn Beth, 2nd John McGrath
Meeting adjourned 7:56 p.m.