Meeting came to order at 10:06.
In attendance were Fred Becker JR, Fred Becker Sr, Jules & Laure Perreault, Rob Lee, Fred Rich, Scot Kneeland, Tom Hart, Tip Garritt and Mark Veilloux.
Treasurers report read motion made to accept for audit and passed
Minutes read and motion made to accept and passed.
Fred Jr spoke to the assembled members about the Education Grant that the CTA revived and gave to a recipient this year.
Awards were given as follows :
Trapper Hall of Fame Mark Veilloux
Trapper of the Year Al Jones
Certificates of Appreciation were given to Ray & Donna Peck, Roger Zemek, Austin Marks and Alex Breen. Founding members present were presented with a plaques that will hang on the wall at Fin Fur and Feather Club they were Tom Hart- Tip Garritt and Fred Becker Sr. Guest speaker Rep Doug Dubitsky spoke about getting more kids involved with trapping. He also spoke about educating the state reps in our districts on trapping.
Jason Hawley and Paul Rego from the DEEP gave a presentation on the bobcat study. Very interesting stuff.
Motion made and passed to conclude meeting at 11:30
Minutes submitted by Rob Lee